hey, you..

Hey, you, The man whose name Allah has written on the Lauhul Mahfuz for me;The name I whispered daily to reach His ‘Arsy, Hurry come to me. Bind me in halal way. Love me. Love my children. Love my family. Do your best to make me happy: body, heart, mind, and soul, in this dunya…

my home is your two arms

🇬🇧 Understanding you is by listening carefully to things that you don’t say. Accepting you is by trusting more in your gestures than all your words. Thank you for always taking care of me. Alhamdulillah, you provided me with your time and attentions. Indeed Allah is the best for choosing you as the owner of…

my calm oasis

I am an angry desert and you are the calm oasis.Your presence quenched my thirst for compassions.Sometimes I honestly think I don’t deserve this.But your golden heart always shows me kindness. Thank you for coming into my life and stay.Thank you for patiently coping with my worsts.You mean the world to me, but my mouth…

No one

No one can choose when and to whom to fall in love with, but one can choose whether to ignore or embrace the feeling. I chose to embrace it, the moment I realize I am in love with you. And then the universe seems to conspire with the time, convincing me that I am indeed…

This I Promise You

If what you’re worried about is fighting and separation, this may be the only thing I can say to you: what ever happens between you and I–remain good friends, or more than that, whichever Allah wanted–we will always be the closest best friends. You will never lose me and I will never leave you either–in…

November dan Luka

Dia memang sang surya. Flare-nya menghanguskan rasa. Supernova-nya meleburkan asa. Usai semua, tak ada lagi serpih tersisa. Hanya kenangan dan luka.   Seketika logika memaki hati: Bukankah sudah aku peringatkan, jangan lagi manusia kau percayai? Dasar kau wanita hilang logika. Kepedean dengan kelembutan dan rupamu, hah? Dasar betina hina. Tak tahukah, tak semua manusia ingin…


Kamu, vitaminku. Energiku. Oksigen yang memenuhi paruku. Matahari yang melumerkan beku hatiku. Air yang menghidupkan taman jiwaku. Kamu. Jakarta, July 2, 2018 – NfR –

[CerpeNina] beLIEve

When I was on my way home, on our motorbike–my son picked me up from the office–suddenly, the idea of writing this story came out of the blue. It’s gonna be short I guess, but I have to tell you, this one is a story of a person whose heart so big, I wanted to…

[CerpeNina] Pesan untuk Joe

Waktu menulis cerpen ini, I was still an amateur (it was 2003). Hehehe.. Semoga tidak terlalu mengecewakan juga yaa.. Not yet published, but here. Enjoy, aja deeeeh.. 🙂 ========================================================================== Pesan Terakhir untuk Joe Dear Joe, Apa kabar Joe? Semoga semua baik-baik dan lancar ya! Bagaimana sakitmu itu? Harus operasi kah? Semoga kamu cepat sehat lagi…

[CerpeNina] Keputusan Ano

Akhirnya Ano punya keputusan. Dan, keputusan itu adalah… Dua puluh tiga menit sebelumnya “No, menurut loe, kalau sudah jadi mantan, mungkin nggak jadi teman?” Delia bertanya dengan nada ringan, seraya meraih almond cookie yang tergolek pasrah di piring kecil berwarna gading. Ucapan itu memecah kesunyian satu jam terakhir di sudut kafe yang tidak terlalu ramai,…

[CerpeNina] Maybe pt.1 – Love at First Sight?

I wrote this short story almost 15 years ago. Hope it’s still good to read. 😀 It’s in bahasa Indonesia. Chapter I Love at first sight? May memasuki restoran di sebuah mall, tempat dia dan Hani janjian, tengok kiri kanan sebentar mencari Hani, sahabatnya sejak SMU. Setelah saling memanggil, May menghampiri bangku Hani, mereka berpelukan…